Chatgpt + Wolfram Alpha
1 get a Chatgpt API (open OpenAI account)
2 get a Wolfram Alpha API (100% Free! You need to sign up here:
3 download relevant packages
pip install openai langchain wolframalpha
Firstly, we set some basic environment
import os
import openai, langchain, wolframalpha
from langchain.llms import OpenAI
# Your API_key for Chatgpt (eg."sk-AORoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
# btw I use API.chatgpt because I store all my keys in an ""
# 这是代理,翻墙软件一般会告诉你端口 non-Chinese don't have to set this:
os.environ["OPENAI_PROXY"] = ""
# You API_key for WolframAlpha (eg.X0004ET-TU200000J)
With "WolframAlphaAPIWrapper", we can ask wolfram to solve maths problems
from langchain.utilities.wolfram_alpha import WolframAlphaAPIWrapper
wolfram = WolframAlphaAPIWrapper()"intergral of 2xe^x")
'''Assumption: integral2 x e^x dx = 2 e^x (x - 1) + constant
Answer: integral2 x e^x dx = 2 e^x (x - 1) + constant'''"Question 1: how to calculate \int 2xe^xdx")"GOD pls help me calculate \int 2xe^xdx")"I learnt a function 2xe^x in my class, but I don't know its intergral")
"Wolfram Alpha wasn't able to answer it"
We can use Chatgpt to help us translate our request into a direct maths question
from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate
prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template('''
help me turn this prompt
into a direct maths problem
for wolfram to solve{question}'''
# Wolfram can't solve this alone:
my_question="I learnt a function 2xe^x in my class, but I don't know its intergral"
# Now wolfram solve 'Find the integral of 2x*e^x.' instead
Assumption: integral2 x e^x dx = 2 e^x (x - 1) + constant
Answer: integral2 x e^x dx = 2 e^x (x - 1) + constant
We can also write a function called SuperWolfram
def SuperWolfram(prompt):
# you can change this template as you like
template1 = PromptTemplate.from_template('''
find out ONE most difficult math problem in this question without
telling me and turn it into a direct, simple one maths calculation
problem for wolfram to solve(All in ENGLIGH and JUST output ONE
so if i input "v=2m/s,t=3s,s=?" you only output: "What is 2*3?"
# Combine template with prompt
print("Wolfram's task: "+prompt_for_Wolfram+"\n")
# let Wolfram solve this new task
if output_Wolfram=="Wolfram Alpha wasn't able to answer it":
return "Wolfram dies"
# Search for xxxx in "Assumption:wwww/nAnswer:xxxx"
index = output_Wolfram.index("Answer:")
output_Wolfram = output_Wolfram[index + len("Answer:") + 1:]
print("Wolfram's Answer: "+output_Wolfram+"\n")
# let Chatgpt to give a final output by giving it origin prompt and output of Wolfram
template2 = PromptTemplate.from_template('''{question}
, given that WolframAlpha's solution to "{prompt_for_Wolfram}"
is "{output_Wolfram}".please give me a humanized output ''')
# we increase the "temperature" so every result differs
print("Answered by Chatgpt x WolframAlpha: "+final_output)
It is convenient now to ask a question that contains a complex maths problem
SuperWolfram("If I walk \int_0^1 x^2 e^xdx meters per second, how far do I get after 36s")
Wolfram's task: What is the integral of x^2 e^x from 0 to 1? Wolfram's Answer: integral_0^1 x^2 e^x dx = e - 2≈0.71828 Answered by Chatgpt x WolframAlpha: After 36 seconds, you will have traveled 25.8 meters.
SuperWolfram('''I want to buy a gift for my neighbor. Her age is the variance of 25, 33, 23, 25 and 28. How old is she? Is she considered young, middle-aged, or elderly based on her age? What kind of gift would be more suitable for her age?''')
Wolfram's task: What is the variance of 25, 33, 23, 25, and 28? Wolfram's Answer: 76/5 = 15.2 Answered by Chatgpt x WolframAlpha: She is approximately 15 years old. She is considered to be young. A suitable gift for her would be something personalized that reflects her interests, such as a book, a piece of jewelry, or a framed photo.
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